Sunday, September 12, 2010

How To Conceive With Irregular Periods - Is There A Way?

By Mary Dawn Tingal Platinum Quality Author

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How to conceive with irregular periods is not impossible, but you would need to exert extra efforts. On women who have regular periods, pregnancy already takes few essential steps. For those who hold irregular cycles on the other hand, you will require more steps although the first ones may be the same as those with the regular cycles. Still, do your best to adhere to these tips persistently.

It is important to first find out whether you hold an irregular cycle or not. Now, regular period is when you have a menstrual cycle that classifies within the range of 21 up to 36 days. Hence, for some women, you will have one month when you will not go through any menstrual period at all.

For example, if you keep 36 days for a cycle, expect your period at the last week of the first month, with 31 days earlier than the next cycle; as a result, last bleeding day will be on the final day of the first month, the 31 days in between you can expect on the second month. Also, the first week of your third month will begin another cycle so there is the need to watch out for your ovulation to see if you became irregular or not.

Also, check if there are any other health concerns such as undernourishment or obesity.
There are also factors that have an effect on the chance of getting pregnant so, if you are obese or underweight you should consider dropping or adding a few pounds, if you can, you can target for your ideal weight, but falling just before your ideal weight is fine as long as you are healthy.

If you fall under your ideal weight, you will experience better outcome for your menstruation period. In fact, there are a lot of those who are able to achieve a regular period through this. Third, you should still consider checking your ovulation period. Now, this is a little difficult for those who have irregular period but still, there are many techniques that can be used by both those with regular and irregular periods.

One of these methods is by taking basal body temperature to check fertility. When you are fertile, you would have elevated temperature than normal, around.3 degrees Fahrenheit higher.It will also be important to monitor your temperature which is that before and after your menstruation cycle.

One more strategy is the Ovulation prediction test which aims to measure urine hormones. There are specialized hormones that are present if the ovulation is approaching; thus, when this test result is positive, then there is usually 24 hours before the ovulation takes place.

But then should it be that these natural methods do not work well for you, you may try using the other techniques which can be found in Pregnancy Miracle. This is one book that has proven the power of these natural techniques of conception. But then, you will find a lot more information on how to conceive with irregular periods by reading a lot about them.

There are many tricks on getting pregnant, but would these how to conceive with irregular periods tips enough? Read more about it from this resource.

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Fight 80 Disorders From Your Own Kitchen
A Step-by-step Manual For 150 Home And
Beauty Remedies Using The Aloe Plant

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sept. 05 - 2010 All About Women Health - Irregular Menstruation

Homeopathic Cure For the Menstrual Irregularities at Puberty
By Amit Karkare Platinum Quality Author

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Fight 80 Disorders From Your Own Kitchen
A Step-by-step Manual For 150 Home And
Beauty Remedies Using The Aloe Plant

An article discussing few commonly indicated homeopathic remedies that are useful in the pubertal girls for the menstrual disturbances - suppressed, delayed, absent, or stopped. Also will be useful in cases of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

1. Actea racemosa: menses are irregular and exhausting. Menstruation delayed or suppressed because of mental emotions or from getting exposed to cold or after a febrile episode. Absence of menses with chorea, hysteria or maniac manifestations. General increased mental sensitivity during the menstrual period.

2. Conium mac: feeble and suppressed menstruation. Too late or scanty or lasting for a very short duration. Severe small red pimples over the body before the menses appear. Menses get suppressed after getting exposed to cold or after working in cold water for long time.

3. Euphrasia: generally an eye remedy worth for amenorrhea of young girls with catarrhal symptoms instead. Profuse acrid lachrymation instead of menstruation. Menses when appear are painful, but last only for few hours. Also for menses that are too scanty, pale, late with violent colic. Like pulsatilla, menses get delayed by getting feet wet.

4. Pulsatilla: suitable for women inclined to be fleshy, with scanty and protracted menses. Menses suppressed from getting feet wet. Too late, scanty, slimy and painful. Irregular and intermittent flow with marked chilliness especially in the evening. Menstrual flow more during the day time with aggravation on lying down. First few cycles delayed or irregular. It's been a key remedy for polycystic ovarian disease in young females.

5. Apocynum: excessive menstruation with black colored flow in a continuous or paryxysmal fashion. Fluid or clotted blood with severe nausea, vomiting and palpitation. Pulse quick, feeble when moved. Vital depression accompanying the symptoms with a tendency to faint often, especially when raising the head from pillow.

6. Aurum Met: menstrual and uterine affection with great melancholy especially during the menstrual period. Menses only at night, almost not at all during the day time [also seen in mag carb]. Like borax, there occurs some spotting or occasional scanty flow in between the menstrual cycles. Gastric upset as a concomitant complaint accompanying the menstrual cycle - diarrhea before and during the menses. Menses appearing every two weeks with dark and clotted menstrual flow. Also useful in vicarious menstruation, where the patient complains of bleeding from the nose instead of menses or gets hemoptysis.

7. Mag Phos: My most favorite remedy for the spasmodic dysmenorrhea in young females. Intense spasmodic pain making patient to leave all work in hand and sit at home. Pain relieved by warm application or hard pressure. Given four doses of 200 potency starting from a day prior to appearance of the menses relieves the patient significantly.

Dr Amit Karkare is practicing Homeopathy and Bach Flower Therapy since a decade. He is the first Indian to get accreditation as a 'Bach Flower Practitioner' from British Institute of Homoeopathy. He is also a semi-professional singer & musician. You can know more about him and his professional services at:

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Fight 80 Disorders From Your Own Kitchen
A Step-by-step Manual For 150 Home And
Beauty Remedies Using The Aloe Plant

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